My Visit to the Capitol Building

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I came this morning with the goal of seeing the Capitol building and continuing on to the Lincoln Memorial. I took MetroRail to the closest stop and walked up the hill to the building. Finding a guard, I was directed to first one tent, and then another, til eventually I secured a ticket for the 12:25 tour group. Sadly I had to throw out a brand new bottle of sun screen, my water bottle, and my lunch snacks, because no food, beverages, liquids, pastes, or gels were allowed inside the building. (The Washington Monument allows water bottles, but otherwise has similar restrictions.) Wish I had known that before I came. Oh well. The tour was pretty fast and there were a lot of tourists in the building, neatly contained by signs for where they could go and could not go. I was glad I made the trip. Enjoy!

Jump to Before the Tour
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Before the Tour

Capitol Dome from the Mall.
#1  Capitol Dome from the Mall.
My ticket for 12:25 PM.
#2  My ticket for 12:25 PM.
Me in front of the Capitol Dome.
#3  Me in front of the Capitol Dome.
Me in front of the Capitol building.
#4  Me in front of the Capitol building.
View from the front of the Capitol.
#5  View from the front of the Capitol.
View of the front of the Capitol.
#6  View of the front of the Capitol.
View of the House of Representatives.
#7  View of the House of Representatives.
Me with the House of Representatives.
#8  Me with the House of Representatives.

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During the Tour

View as my tour group approached the building.
#9  View as my tour group approached the building.
Our ramp up to our entrance door.  Apparently there were a variety of doors through which tour groups entered, but I am not totally sure.
#10  Our ramp up to our entrance door. Apparently there were a variety of doors through which tour groups entered, but I am not totally sure.
View from the door toward the Washington Monument.
#11  View from the door toward the Washington Monument.
The dome of the rotunda from inside.
#12  The dome of the rotunda from inside.
Apotheosis (ascension into heaven) of George Washington
#13  Apotheosis (ascension into heaven) of George Washington
Crowds of tour groups in the rotunda.
#14  Crowds of tour groups in the rotunda.
Me with the Apotheosis.
#15  Me with the Apotheosis.
Me with the statue of Abraham Lincoln.
#16  Me with the statue of Abraham Lincoln.
#17  Pilgrims.
Liberty, above the old House Chamber, now the hall of statues.
#18  Liberty, above the old House Chamber, now the hall of statues.
Rotunda of the old House Chamber.
#19  Rotunda of the old House Chamber.

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After the Tour

Me with the statue of Hawaii's Father Damian in the Capitol Building.
#20  Me with the statue of Hawaii's Father Damian in the Capitol Building.
Capitol from the edge of its reflecting pond.
#21  Capitol from the edge of its reflecting pond.

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