Some words and phrases can be written using just spelled-out letter
I am calling DVS (devious) those words that can be expressed as a
sequence of letters and digits, each pronounced separately. I have
arranged them here by length, shortest first, and within length in
alphabetical order. Some of them may not be actual words, but they
sound close enough for me :-)
Officially, they seem to be called Grammagrams.
Perhaps you got to this page by using a search engine and keying in
a few of your favorite grammagrams, and hoping to find more. If you
happen to have other grammagrams that are not on my list, please
consider emailing me with details. I would love to list those that
meet my approval, along with a mention of the source.
DVS Words:
1 1 one won want
1 2 too to
1 3 free, -try
1 4 for fore
1 6 seeks (Noelle Lao)
1 8 ate
1 A a hay hey eh
1 B be bee
1 C see sea
1 D the
1 E he
1 F if have
1 G gee
1 H edge age itch
1 I eye I aye hi high
1 K okay
1 L hell will well I'll
1 M am them ham
1 N an in and end -ing
1 O oh owe woe how
1 P pea pee
1 Q cue queue
1 R are or our -er
1 R hour (Noelle Lao)
1 S is, its, it's, as, us, yes, -est
1 T tea tee the
1 U ewe you
1 V fee we
1 X ask eggs
1 X ex- (Noelle Lao)
1 Y why
1 Z see the thee
2 1O winnow
2 1R wonder winner
2 1S oneness (Noelle Lao)
2 1Z onesy
2 2A two-way
2 2L tool (Holy Cow)
2 2R doer
2 2R tour (Holy Cow)
2 2Y two-way (Holy Cow)
2 4A foray
2 4C foresee (Holy Cow)
2 4D forty
2 4M forum
2 4N foreign
2 4S forest
2 4T forty (Ed DeJesus)
2 6D sixty
2 6S success
2 6T sixty
2 7D seventy
2 7T seventy
2 8D eighty
2 8T eighty
2 9D ninety
2 9T ninety
2 AD eighty
2 AL ale, ail
2 AM aim
2 AR air
2 AT eighty
2 AZ hazy
2 B4 before
2 B9 benign
2 BB baby
2 BC busy
2 BD beady (Lederer)
2 BG busy
2 BN being
2 BR beer, bier
2 BZ busy
2 CC tse tse
2 CD seedy (Lederer) city
2 CL seal ceil
2 CN seeing (Holy Cow)
2 CQ seek-you
2 CR seer
2 CT city
2 D5 defy
2 D9 denying
2 DK decay (Lederer)
2 DL deal
2 DR dear deer
2 DU "do you"
2 DU due, dew (Noelle Lao)
2 DZ dizzy
2 EA yea! yay
2 EC easy
2 EG easy
2 EL eel yell heal heel
2 EN yen
2 EO yo
2 ER ear your
2 ES yes
2 EZ easy
2 FN even
2 FR after, ever
2 FX effects
2 GR jar (Noelle Lao)
2 GR jeer (Holy Cow)
2 HN Asian ancient aging agent
2 HR ager
2 IC icy
2 IL aisle isle
2 IN eyeing
2 IN ion (Holy Cow)
2 IR eyer, ire
2 IV ivy
2 JL jail
2 JM jam
2 JN Cheyenne
2 JR chair
2 JR jar (Noelle Lao)
2 JS chase chaise
2 K9 canine
2 KG cagey
2 KL kale
2 KN cayenne
2 KR care (Holy Cow)
2 L8 elate
2 LG algae
2 LI ally (Noelle Lao)
2 LO hello
2 ME Emmy (award)
2 MO ammo (ammunition)
2 MT empty
2 N3 entry (Noelle Lao)
2 N8 innate
2 NE any
2 NF enough, end of
2 NL anal
2 NR enter, inner, under
2 NS anise
2 NT auntie anti
2 NV envy
2 NX annex
2 OA away
2 OK okay
2 OL oil oh-well
2 P6 physics (Noelle Lao)
2 PG busy
2 PL peel peal
2 PN peeing
2 PR peer, pier (Holy Cow)
2 PT pity, pretty
2 QN cueing, queueing
2 QP Kewpie (Lederer)
2 QR cure, queuer
2 QT cutie
2 R2 art too
2 R8 orate
2 RA hurray
2 RC horsey
2 RD hardy
2 RE hurry
2 RG orgy
2 RH orange
2 RI all right
2 RL aural
2 RO harrow
2 RP harpie
2 RS arrest (Noelle Lao)
2 RT arty
2 S6 essex
2 S9 asinine (also SN9)
2 SA essay
2 SR yes sir
2 SX essex
2 TL teal
2 TN teeing (Holy Cow)
2 TP tepee (Lederer)
2 TZ tizzy
2 U8 you-wait
2 UA you-weigh
2 UH you-wage
2 UL you-will you-well
2 UL yule (Holy Cow)
2 UN you-went
2 US you-ask
2 VL veal
2 VU view
2 XL excel
2 XM exam
2 XN asking
2 XR asker
2 XS excess
2 YL while
2 YT whity (Noelle Lao)
2 ZD city
2 ZL zeal
3 1ON winnowing
3 1OR winnower
3 1RN wondering, wandering
3 1RR wonderer, wanderer
3 2BS dubious
3 2LN tooling
3 2LR tooler
3 2NE twenty (Noelle Lao)
3 2NT twenty (Noelle Lao)
3 2RN touring
3 3VA trivia
3 3VL trivial (Noelle Lao)
3 4CN foreseeing
3 4CR foreseer (Holy Cow)
3 4FR forever
3 4N6 forensics (Chris Malinowski)
3 4NR foreigner
3 4SN fluorescent
3 6SF successive
3 6SR successor
3 6SR successor
3 8ND attendee
3 A3M atrium (Noelle Lao)
3 AGN Aegean
3 AGR ajar (Noelle Lao)
3 AGS ages (Noelle Lao)
3 ALN ailing
3 ALR ailer
3 AMN aiming
3 AMR aimer
3 ARI airy
3 ARN airing
3 ATS atheist (Noelle Lao)
3 AV8 aviate
3 AVN avian
3 BBN babying
3 BBR babier
3 BCN be seeing, busying
3 BCR busyier
3 BGN busying
3 BGR busyier
3 BME being me
3 BUT beauty
3 BZN busying
3 BZR busier
3 BZS busiest (Noelle Lao)
3 C28 situate
3 CQR secure (Holy Cow)
3 DKN decaying
3 DKR decayer
3 DLN dealing
3 DLR dealer
3 DV8 deviate
3 DVS devious
3 DZN dizzying
3 DZR dizzier
3 ELN yelling
3 ELO yellow
3 ELR yeller
3 ESN yessing
3 ESR yesser, yes sir
3 EZR easier (Noelle Lao)
3 EZS easiest (Noelle Lao)
3 FAG effigy
3 FEG effigy (Holy Cow)
3 FHE effigy
3 FND effendi (Lederer)
3 GPC gypsy (George P. Cockcroft, penname Luke Rhinehart of The Dice Man, via Slacks: William Clyde Nixon)
3 GRN jeering
3 GRR jeerer
3 HNC agency
3 IDL ideal (Noelle Lao)
3 ILN island
3 JLN jailing
3 JLR jailer
3 JMN jamming
3 JMR jammer
3 JRN chairing
3 JSN chasing
3 JSR chaser
3 KRN caring (Holy Cow)
3 KVR caviar (Noelle Lao)
3 LEN alien (Holy Cow)
3 LF8 elevate (Noelle Lao)
3 LFN elephant
3 LFN eleven (Noelle Lao)
3 LIN alliant, allying
3 LMN element
3 LMO Alamo
3 LOG elegy
3 LXR elixir
3 MBC embassy (donaldprofound)
3 MLS malice
3 MN8 eminate
3 MR8 emirate
3 MRS amorous
3 MTN emptying
3 MTR emptier
3 NDN Indian (NDN CARZ song title)
3 NE1 anyone
3 NGL angel (Noelle Lao)
3 NM8 animate
3 NMA anime
3 NME enemy
3 NML animal enamel
3 NRG energy ( website)
3 NRN entering
3 NTL until (Noelle Lao)
3 NTT entity (Holy Cow)
3 NVN envying
3 NVR envier
3 NVS envious
3 NXN annexing
3 NXR annexer
3 ODS odious
3 OIE Hawaii
3 OKN okaying
3 OKR okayer
3 OLN oiling
3 OLR oiler
3 OP8 opiate
3 OPM opium
3 OV8 oviate
3 OYE Hawaii
3 PGN busying
3 PGR busyier
3 PLN peeling pealing
3 PLR peeler pealer
3 PNO piano
3 PNS pianist
3 PTN pitying prettying
3 PTR pitier prettier
3 QES curious
3 QRN curing
3 R8E oratee
3 R8F orative
3 R8N orating
3 R8R orator
3 REN hurrying
3 REO Oreo
3 RER hurryier
3 RIV arrivee (Noelle Lao)
3 RON harrowing
3 ROR harrower
3 SAN essaying
3 SAR essayer
3 SKP escapee (on my in-laws' travel trailer)
3 SN9 asinine
3 SNE Essene
3 SRE yes siree
3 TCU tissue (Noelle Lao)
3 TDM tedium
3 TDS tedious (Lederer)
3 TPN tepeeing
3 TPR tepeeer
3 U4X euphorics
3 VDO video
3 VUN viewing
3 VUR viewer
3 WCN "double you're seeing" (Slacks: William Clyde Nixon)
3 X2C ecstacy
3 XEM axiom
3 XL8 escalate
3 XLN excellent, excelling
3 XLR exceller
3 XMN examine (Holy Cow)
3 XMO eskimo
3 XP8 expiate
3 XSF excessive
3 XTC ecstacy
4 ACDT acidity (Holy Cow)
4 AQ8E acuity
4 AQ8R equator (Noelle Lao)
4 ARIR airier
4 ATSM atheism (Noelle Lao)
4 AV8E aviatee
4 AV8F aviative
4 AV8N aviating
4 AV8R aviator
4 C28N situating, situation
4 C28R situator
4 CQET security
4 CQRN securing
4 CQRT security (Holy Cow)
4 DV8E deviatee
4 DV8F deviative
4 DV8N deviating
4 DV8R deviater
4 DVNC deviancy
4 EBGB heebie jeebie
4 EDBD itty-bitty
4 EDOC idiocy
4 EQ8R equator (Noelle Lao)
4 ETBD itty-bitty
4 ETBT itty-bitty
4 FMN8 effeminate
4 IDLE ideally (Noelle Lao)
4 KCDR quesedilla
4 LF8R elevator (Noelle Lao)
4 LMN3 elementary (Noelle Lao)
4 LMN8 eliminate
4 LMNL elemental
4 LXZN election (Noelle Lao)
4 MBCS ambitious (Noelle Lao)
4 MED8 immediate
4 MEDN median
4 MN8N eminating
4 MN8R eminater
4 MNAT amenity
4 MNET amenity (Noelle Lao)
4 MNNC eminancy
4 MSRE emissary
4 N2ZS enthusiast (Noelle Lao)
4 NLOG analogy
4 NLSS analysis
4 NM8F animative
4 NM8N animating
4 NM8R animator
4 NMET anemity (Holy Cow)
4 NMLE anomaly
4 NMLS anomalous
4 NMNE anemone
4 NRXX anorexics
4 NVDS invidious
4 OBCT obesity (Noelle Lao)
4 OV8E oviatee
4 OV8F oviative
4 OV8N oviating
4 OV8R oviator
4 RKDN arcadian (Lederer)
4 S2RE estuary
4 SCDT acidity (Holy Cow)
4 SNTL essential
4 U4E8 euphoriate
4 U4EA euphoria
4 U4EM euphorium
4 U4ER euphoria (Holy Cow)
4 U4ES euphorious
4 VDON videoing
4 VDOR videoer
4 VMNC vehemency
4 W4EM double euphorium
4 W4ER double euphoria
4 XL8R escalator
4 XLNC excellency
4 XLR8 accelerate exhilerate
4 XMNN examining
4 XMNR examiner (Holy Cow)
4 XN28 accentuate
4 XP8E expiatee
4 XP8F expiative
4 XP8N expiating
4 XP8R expiater
4 XPD8 expediate
4 YLU8 while-you-wait
5 CNMNE sea anemone
5 JNURE january (Noelle Lao)
5 LMN8E eliminatee
5 LMN8N eliminating
5 LMN8R eliminater
5 N2ZSM enthusiasm (Noelle Lao)
5 NRXEM anorexium
5 NRXER anorexia
5 NRXES anorexious
5 NSTZ8 anesthesiate
5 NSTZA anesthesia
5 NSTZR anesthesia
5 OB2RE obituary (Noelle Lao)
5 OBDNC obediency (Lederer)
5 PDA3X pediatrics (Noelle Lao)
5 QESAT curiosity
5 QESET curiosity
5 QESOT curiosity
5 SNTLE essentially
5 XFSEO ex-officio
5 XLR8E acceleratee
5 XLR8F accelerative
5 XLR8N accelerating
5 XLR8R accelerator
5 XN28E accentuatee
5 XN28F accentuative
5 XN28N accentuating
5 XN28R accentuater
5 XPD8E expediatee
5 XPD8F expediative
5 XPD8N expediating
5 XPD8R expediator
5 XPDNC expediency
DVS Names:
1 A Hay
1 B Bea
1 D Dee
1 J Jay
1 K Kay Kaye
1 L Elle (Noelle Lao)
1 N Ann Anne (Noelle Lao)
1 U Hugh
1 Z Zee
2 BL Beale Bill
2 EN Ian (Holy Cow)
2 EN Ian (Noelle Lao)
2 EV Evie
2 FA Eva (Noelle Lao)
2 FN Evan (Noelle Lao)
2 GG Gigi (Holy Cow)
2 GN Gian Jean (Noelle Lao)
2 HX Ajax
2 I6 Isaac's
2 IV Ivy
2 JC JaiCi
2 JN Jane, Cheyenne
2 KC Casey
2 KN Cain, Caine
2 KT Katie
2 LA Ella (Noelle Lao)
2 LC Elsie
2 LE Ellie
2 LN Ellen (donaldprofound), Helen
2 LS Alice Ellis
2 LX Alex
2 ME Emmy
2 MN Ammon
2 MR Emma
2 ND Andy (Noelle Lao)
2 NE Annie
2 NG Angie (Noelle Lao)
2 NS Ennis Innes
2 OB Obi
2 OE Howie (Noelle Lao)
2 OL Howell (Noelle Lao)
2 ON Owen (Noelle Lao)
2 OP Opie
2 OZ Ozzie (Noelle Lao)
2 PT Petey (Holy Cow)
2 RB Arby
2 RE Aurie
2 RS Horrace
2 RT Artie
2 ST Estie, Estee (Noelle Lao)
2 TV Stevie
2 UG Yugi
2 VJ Vijay
3 FRE Avery (Noelle Lao)
3 LNR Eleanor (Noelle Lao)
3 LSN Allison Ellison
3 LXE Alexi
3 LXS Alexis
3 MLE Emily (Holy Cow)
3 MNM Eminem
3 NRE Henry
3 NTM Auntie Em
3 OB1 Obi-Wan
3 REL Ariel (Noelle Lao)
3 REN Arianne (Noelle Lao)
3 STV Stevie (Noelle Lao)
3 UGO Yu-Gi-Oh
3 UNS Eunice
4 EUNS Eunice
4 LECA Alicia (Noelle Lao)
4 LXNR Alexander
4 XAVR Xavier
5 STV1R Stevie Wonder (Noelle Lao)
Some fun phrases:
FNSIM - Even as I am. (3 Nephi 27:27)
OI12BA6S - Oh, I want to be a success.
4FRNFR - Forever and ever.
4U2NV - For You to Envy. (Brad Daniels saw a license plate)
I1NME - I won an Emmy.
DN - the end (Noelle Lao)
NAYL - in a while (Noelle Lao)
4AYL - for a while (Noelle Lao)
LNR S BZ 4 A YL - Eleanor is busy for a while (Noelle Lao)
8 S DN F JNURE - it is the end of January (Noelle Lao)
M N N2ZS - I'm an enthusiast (Noelle Lao)
FUNEX? SVFX. FUNEM? SVFM. OK-MNX! - Have you any eggs? Yes, we have eggs. Have you any ham? Yes, we have ham. Okay, ham and eggs! (Lederer, Dickns, and others)
4u2pn - for you to pee in (on an outhouse wall) (Scott Cunningham, 2018-04-15)